I've been having a bit of better time on Newgrounds as of late and it has been pretty nice getting some warm reception for my work. I wanna move some of my Aensland Estate AU art over here but I'm a little nervous. Would you guys be interested in seeing some of my hodge-podge Darkstalkers-medieval-fantasy-lewd-BDSM-light-adventure Alternate Universe over here too? Because I'm a bit nervous to show that stuff here.... I kinda don't wanna be seen as a "cringe artist" since someone posted the ending of one of it's pairings on online and it was publlicly destroyed lol.
By a few accounts, people on other sites like it for the lewdness and characters, but do ya'lls think it's cut out for the NG audience?
Thank you!
OF COURSE WE WOULD, MY FRIEND!!!!!!! It has some of the absolute best OCs I've personally ever seen and some of your absolutely wonderful roster of characters, so I'd personally say OF COURSE, HUN!!!!!!!! /)^w^(\ If anything, doesn't a Darkstalkers-medieval-fantasy-lewd-BDSM-light-adventure Alternative Universe sound like an extremely good thing to perhaps show? XD